There are many essential home cleaning products which play an important role in our day to day life. We are totally dependent on these products for our everyday routine home cleaning.
We buy many different types of expensive cleaning products from the market, most of us just see attractive packaging and popular brands and we just pick up the products from the shelves without even bothering to check the ingredients used in manufacturing those products.
For homecare we buy floor cleaner, toilet cleaner, dishwashing liquids,glass cleaner, detergents, air fresheners, vegetable and fruits wash etc etc list is endless.
Do you know how much toxins and chemicals all these products contain, which are extremely harmful for our health, surroundings and environment. Even plants and animals are affected by these products thus the whole food chain is affected. It also affects our water system. The use of harsh chemicals contaminates the whole water system like rivers, lakes, groundwater and sea including the soil and air.
But believe me there is an amazing product called bio enzymes which not only rejuvenates contaminated water but we can use this as a multipurpose cleaner too, and the best thing is that you can make this magical amazing product at home, that too with kitchen waste. I have heard that one liter of bio-enzymes can decontaminate 1000 liter water. Don’t you think this is so amazing?
If every household avoids using chemical and toxins filled cleaners and starts using homemade cleaners, our homes, environment and water bodies will be safe and rejuvenated.
So now it’s time to say goodbye to harmful products and switch to eco-friendly sustainable products by making your own natural Bio enzymes at home and replace all your cleaning products with it.
Few questions which everyone is curious to know about bio enzymes:
Who discovered bio enzymes
- Bio enzymes were discovered by Dr.Rosukon Poomapanvong from Thailand and today many of us are benefited by this magical multi purpose product.
What are bio enzymes:
- Bio enzymes are made with kitchen waste which encourage zero waste and sustainable lifestyle.
- Bio enzyme is a homemade chemical free, eco friendly and sustainable multi purpose natural cleaner, Which keeps our home and surroundings clean and toxin free.
- Homemade natural bio enzymes are inexpensive and are very effective.
Why do we use plastic jars or bottles to make bio enzymes:
- During the fermentation process gasses are released due to this glass bottles may crack and steel containers may open due to the pressure of gasses and it may also crack.
Which fruits peels should we use to make bio enzymes :
- Orange, Pineapple,Sweet Lime and Lemon peels are known for cleansing property and have pleasant smell, these peels are best to make bio enzymes, we can also use carrot, cucumber, pomegranate and apple peels to make bio enzymes but it may not have pleasant smell. These peels can be mixed with citrus fruits peels for a pleasant fragrance.
- As per your choice you can mix fruit peels or take any one fruit peel to make bio enzymes.
- You can also combine Desi gulab petals with citrus peels for amazing fragrance.
- You can also combine neem leaves and fruit peel to make bio enzymes.
- Use neem leaves bio enzyme as fertilizer and as disinfectant to clean various surfaces of home.
- You can use over ripe citrus fruits and vegetables to make bio enzymes but avoid rotten fruits and dried peels.
- You can store peels in the refrigerator
- But before making bio enzymes take out peels from the refrigerator and keep aside.(use peela at room temperature)
Why do we use jaggery:
- Jaggery helps in fermentation.
Does it attracts insects or fruit flies:
- No it doesn’t attract insects or fruit flies, just make sure you close the lid of the jar tightly and keep it in a dark, cool place.
How to store bio enzyme:
- Store bio enzymes in airtight plastic jars or plastic bottles.
- Keep bio enzymes away from sunlight.
Does bio enzyme expire:
Don’t worry about the expiration date, if bio enzymes are prepared carefully and stored properly then the shelf life of bio enzymes is unlimited.
due to their wide range of uses, believe me once you start using bio enzymes your homemade bio enzyme will finish before your next batch is ready, so no need to remember the expiry date but remember to make bio enzymes at regular intervals.
How safe are bio enzymes:
Bio enzymes are extremely safe for us as well as for the environment because Bio enzymes are natural organic solutions produced by fermenting fruits peel and vegetables peels with jaggery and water solution. If you are using homemade multi purpose cleaners you are saving the environment and your loved ones from harmful chemicals and toxins.
Points to remember while making bio enzymes :
- Always take a clean air tight plastic jar with a wide mouth to make bio enzymes because during the fermentation process plastic will allow the gasses to expand during chemical reaction and this way you are also saving the environment by reusing disposable plastic jars and plastic bottles.
- Open the jars once everyday to release the gasses formed during fermentation and stir the mixture.
- If you are using a bottle or jar with a small opening to make bio enzymes then open the bottles twice a day to release the gasses formed during fermentation and stir the mixture.
- Keep the jars in a cool, dark place.
- Stick Label on the jars and write the date of preparation.
- The whole process of making bio enzymes takes three months.
- If you add yeast then the process takes two months.
- If you are measuring ingredients with a cup then finely Chop the peels or coarsely grind in a mixer, so it will be easy to measure.
- For the preparation of the first batch it takes 90 days but you can quicken the second batch, if you use one part of pulp from the previous bio enzyme batch.
- During the process of making bio enzymes, whenever you open the jar you may feel a strong acidic smell. This is due to the fermentation process, but when the product is ready it will have a pleasant citrus smell.
- You can increase or decrease the quantity but always make sure the ratio should be 1:3:10 for example 1 kg Jaggery, 3 kg peels and 10 liters of water.
What is the procedure to make bio enzymes:
Procedure to make bio enzymes at home is very simple and easy and anyone can make it in a jiffy. Once you start making bio enzymes at home suddenly you will realize that you are not only saving a huge amount of money but you are also protecting the environment, that too from kitchen waste.
There are two methods to make bio enzymes,
Bio enzyme with yeast and bio enzyme without yeast.
Simple and easy steps to make bio enzymes
- 1 cup organic jaggery powder
- 3 cup citrus fruits peel
- 10 cup water
- 1/4 tsp yeast (optional)

- Finely chop or crosley grind fruit peels so it will be easy to measure.
- Take an airtight plastic jar with a wide mouth.
- Don’t fill the jar till brim, take a big jar, keep 3 to 4 inch space empty. Once the solution will start to ferment it will release some gasses and for the expansion of gasses some extra space will be required.
- In a plastic jar put powdered jaggery and water, mix well until jaggery dissolves in it.
- If you are adding yeast, add at this stage.
- Now put citrus fruits peel, mix well, close the lid tightly, because the reaction takes place in the absence of air.

- Keep the container in a cool dark place away from sunlight.
- Now wait patiently for three months.

- Open the jar and stir the mixture everyday for two weeks. After this you can stir the mixture once in 2 -3 days.

If you have used yeast you can see thin white film forming on the top, don’t worry, it is due to yeast.
How do we know that Bio enzymes is ready for use:
- In the beginning peels will float on top.
- By the time the three months period ends you will see all the peels have settled down and you can see clear brown liquid on top.
- Take a little liquid and clean Grease surface with it. If the grease is removed then your bio enzyme is ready for use, eles keep if for a few more days.
- Now strain the liquid and store in old reusable airtight plastic bottles and keep in a cool dark place and use as required.
- Now your bio enzyme concentrate is ready to use, before you start using, dilute it with water.
- Blend The leftover pulp and use it to clean iron,copper and brass utensils or you can put leftover pulp to your compost pit.
Uses of bio enzyme:
- Bio enzyme is a chemical free eco friendly multi purpose natural cleaner, which you can use for various purposes
- It cleans and disinfects all surfaces at home. For mopping floors add 5 ml bio enzyme to 2 liter water.
- Bio enzyme is a natural pesticide and disinfectant, regular use of bio enzyme reduces flies, cockroach, mosquitoes etc etc
- It removes limescale from taps and other steel utensils.
- Bio enzymes are natural air purifiers, they also remove foul odour, combine ½ tsp bio enzyme with 2 tbsp water and keep in an open container in wash rooms, kitchens and anywhere you want to keep.
- It is very effective in removing grease and grime from utensils.
- Tough stains on plastic buckets,mugs and on plastic furniture can be removed very easily with bio enzymes.
Take concentrated bio enzyme on a scrubber and rub on the surface, then wash it with water.
- It is very effective in unclogging the drains, put two cup boiling water into the drain, then put one cup of concentrated bio enzyme and cover the drain with a drain plug, leave it overnight and in the morning put some more hot water.
- Mix 1 tsp bio enzyme in 2 liter water, soak vegetables and fruits in it for 15 to 20 minutes, then gently rub them and wash with the tap water. Bio enzymes help to remove pesticides from vegetables and fruits.
- Avoid washing porous vegetables and fruits like strawberries and mushrooms.
- Avoid washing pre – cut, peeled, damaged or bruised vegetables and fruits.
- Combine 2 tbsp bio enzyme with one cup water, to these add 1/4 tsp soapnut powder and transfer this mixture to a spray bottle and use it to clean your kitchen tiles, bathroom tiles, sinks,kitchen slab, gas stove etc.
- Combine 1 tbsp bio enzyme, ½ tsp soapnut powder and 100ml water, fill these liquid in a bottle and use it as a toilet cleaner.
- Mix 1 tbsp bio enzyme ,1 tsp soapnut powder and 1 cup water, use it as dish wash for cleaning utensils and you can also use this to wash laundry. You can also clean plastic buckets and mugs from it.
- On stubborn stains apply concentrated bio enzymes and leave for a few minutes.
Other uses:
After consulting some expert you can use bio enzymes for the following purpose too.
- Bio enzymes are very useful for agriculture, diluting it and using it as fertilizer and pesticide can protect the environment and crops from harmful chemicals.
- It also nourishes the skin and hair of pets.
- You can also use this as body wash, hair wash and hand wash.
After reading so many amazing benefits of homemade bio enzymes, I am sure you all will avoid using expensive products which contain chemicals and toxins and start making your own batches of inexpensive bio enzymes which are chemical free and toxin free.
You can also give this as a fun project to children. They will enjoy making bio enzymes and automatically learn amazing benefits and uses of this magical cleaning liquid. They will also learn what is a sustainable lifestyle and how they can save the environment and surroundings from chemicals and toxins.