आप इस रेसिपी को नीचे हिंदी में भी पढ़ सकते हैं
A few years back, a piece of news went viral saying that a new type of wheat had been produced, which is black in color and healthier than normal wheat, and that it is high in nutrition and has multiple health benefits. Due to this reason, black wheat started gaining importance among health-conscious people.
In India, black wheat variety was first prepared after seven long years of research by the National Agri food Biotechnology Institute (NABI), Mohali.
Now black wheat is patented by NABI, and this variety is named ‘Nabi MG,’ and it is available in blue, black, and purple colors.
What is black wheat:
- Black wheat is developed by crossing blue and purple wheat, it has a high concentration of the pigment ‘anthocyanin’
- The anthocyanin present in the outer layer is responsible for the black color of wheat grain.
- Black wheat is loaded with more nutrition than normal wheat.
Here I am sharing a few health benefits of black wheat:
- Black wheat has the capacity to prevent some major diseases like cancer and diabetes.
- Black wheat flour has more zinc than regular wheat, and it is also sugar-free.
- Black wheat is low in fat and high in fiber which keeps the stomach full and inhibits undesirable cravings which is suitable for those looking to lose weight.
- High fiber content improves digestion which prevents constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders.
- Black wheat flour is a Non – GMO, gluten-free product, which is suitable for people suffering from celiac disease and those who are allergic to gluten.
- Black wheat is a good source of amino acids that aid in tissue formation and bodybuilding
- Anthocyanin is a powerful antioxidant, if consumed regularly, protects against inflammatory disease and treatment for high blood pressure, urinary tract infection, and heart disease.
- Consumption of Black wheat helps diabetic patients maintain healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
- Black wheat is a rich source of amino acid, which lowers cholesterol levels by eliminating extra fat from the liver, and it is also beneficial for individuals with high levels of triglycerides. It also controls blood pressure.
- Black wheat flour has more zinc than regular wheat, and it is also sugar-free.
- The unsaturated fatty acids in black wheat are excellent for keeping the heart healthy.
- Anthocyanin deficiency can lead to night blindness, consumption of black wheat helps minimize the risk of vision loss and free radical damage.
- It is rich in anthocyanin (imparting colour to grains)
- Black wheat is also a good source of protein, dietary fiber,Vitamins and minerals like vitamin B, vitamin K, folic acid, selenium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, calcium, iron, copper, potassium,amino acids and antioxidants.
Culinary uses of black wheat flour:
- Superfood black wheat is loaded with nutrition and has amazing health benefits.
- Black wheat flour can be used as a substitute in almost all such food items which we prepare with wheat flour, maida, besan, etc
- Black wheat flour is grayish-black in colour.
- With black wheat flour, we can make roti, puri, paratha, cookies, cake, chillas, etc.
- With black wheat, we can also prepare daliya, lapsi, veg upma etc.
Here I am sharing the Black wheat flour and methi ki puri ki recipe.
Ingredients for 10 to 12 puris:
- ½ cup Black wheat flour
- 1/4 cup gram flour (besan)
- ½ cup finely chopped fenugreek leaves (methi)
- ½ tbsp green chili and ginger paste
- ½ tsp fennel seeds
- ½ tsp cumin seeds
- 1/4 tsp carom seeds
- 1 tsp sesame seeds
- 1 pinch asafetida (hing)
- 1/4 tsp turmeric powder
- ½ tsp red chili powder
- Salt according to taste
- Sufficient oil for frying puris

Procedure to make puris:
- Grind green chili, ginger, fennel seeds, and cumin seeds into a coarse mixture.
- On a deep plate, take black wheat flour and gram flour.
- Add all the ingredients and mix well.
- Now add warm water and knead the flour into a tight smooth dough.
- Divide the dough into 10 to 12 equal portions and shape it like patties.
- Roll each patty into 3″ to 4″ puri.

- Heat sufficient oil in a wok.
- Deep fry puris on medium flame from both sides until puris are golden.
- Strain the puris on absorbent paper.
- Serve garam garam puris with aloo ki sabzi.

काले गेहूं के आटे के पाक उपयोग:
- सुपरफूड काला गेहूं पोषण से भरा हुआ है और इसके अद्भुत स्वास्थ्य लाभ हैं।
- लगभग सभी ऐसे खाद्य पदार्थों में जिन्हें हम गेहूँ का आटा, मैदा, बेसन आदि से तैयार करते हैं, काले गेहूँ के आटे का प्रयोग एक विकल्प के रूप में किया जा सकता है।
- काले गेहूं का आटा भूरे काले रंग का होता है।
- काले गेहूं के आटे से हम रोटी, पूरी, परांठा, कुकीज, केक, चीला आदि बना सकते हैं.
- काले गेहूं से हम दलिया, लापसी, सब्जी वाला उपमा आदि भी बना सकते हैं.
यहां मैं काले गेहूं का आटा और मेथी की पूरी की रेसिपी शेयर कर रही हूं।
10 से 12 पूरियों के लिए सामग्री:
- ½ कप काले गेहूं का आटा
- 1/4 कप बेसन
- ½ कप बारीक कटी मेथी के पत्ते
- ½ छोटा चम्मच हरी मिर्च और अदरक का पेस्ट
- ½ छोटा चम्मच सौंफ
- ½ छोटा चम्मच जीरा
- 1/4 छोटा चम्मच अजवायन
- 1 छोटा चम्मच तिल
- 1 चुटकी हींग
- 1/4 छोटा चम्मच हल्दी पाउडर
- ½ छोटा चम्मच लाल मिर्च पाउडर
- स्वादानुसार नमक
- पूरियां तलने के लिये पर्याप्त तेल
पुरी बनाने की विधि:
- हरी मिर्च, अदरक, सौंफ और जीरा को दरदरा पीस लीजिये.
- एक परात में काला गेहूं का आटा और बेसन लें।
- सभी सामग्री डालकर अच्छी तरह मिला लें।
- अब गुनगुना पानी डालकर सख्त आटा गूंथ लें.
- आटे को 10 से 12 बराबर भागों में बाँट लें और लोई का आकार दें।
- प्रत्येक लोई से 3 से 4” की पुरी बेल लें।
- एक कड़ाही में तेल गरम करें।
- मध्यम आंच पर पूरियों को दोनों तरफ से सुनहरा होने तक डीप फ्राई करें।
- पूरियों को अब्सॉर्बेंट पेपर पर निकाल लें।
- गरम गरम पुरी को आलू की सब्जी के साथ परोसिये।
Black wheat, black wheat flour, black wheat flour and methi ki puri, vegan, gluten free, puris,